Who gives a scrap? ME!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How's this for a deal????? Who says dollar stores only sell crap????

This one I stained with walnut ink to make it look old and dirty!!!

Almost finished another batch!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beaded Pin Cushions Anyone??

I've been busy cross-stitching and beading little pin cushions for my daughter's work mates. I made that pink and blue one many many years ago and it's such an easy craft to take along in our travels. Just 14 count aida, floss and seed beads but even this supply is growing out of control.
I've also done some scrapbook pages but haven't taken pics yet. Maybe tomorrow??


It's an Electra Cruiser and my whole ass fits on the seat...how great is that???

We've moved again!! Now we are in the mountains, with the grizzly bears and wolves!!! At least that's what they keep warning me about but all I've seen so far is 3 bunnies.......